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Welcome to Angelic Complementary Therapies September 2022 Newsletter

Welcome to my September newsletter and I hope you all had a lovely month of August – and possibly had some time away on holiday! I did.

I was fortunate to have a family holiday to New York – and wow what a place. It’s not my usual holiday destination, I prefer off the beaten track, nobody around for miles, no Wi-Fi, a chance to recharge on all levels. However, my 17 and 15 year old sons had other ideas. And seeing as we haven’t been away for years and this possibly being the last holiday the four of us would go on, we decided to break the mould.

New York is one of those places that really needs to be experienced in the flesh. It’s busy, exciting, so much to see and do, many sites you just stare at in awe, and you really do spend the first few hours just looking up at the magnificent skyscrapers.

We made many wonderful memories – watching the Yankees play baseball at their home ground, museums, Central Park, The Empire State building (where the lift broke down whilst we were at the very top floor and we, along with roughly 15 other people, had to be escorted down the stairs), Times Square to name but a few. But my most poignant, moving and thought provoking experience was the memorial site of Ground Zero, the World Trade Centres – 9/11. And it feels apt to write about that in this month’s newsletter.

Many can recall where we they were at the time the two World Trade Centres were struck by the two hijacked planes. I was working in my previous life career (as I refer to it) as a project manager in a busy graphic design agency. The wife of one of the managing directors phoned and told him to turn on the news. He did, he then called everyone to his office where we all listened in stunned silence. Thankfully he lived nearby, so everyone scooted off to his home, it was clear this was a catastrophic event. I had clients in New York, I spoke to them daily. One of my clients being United Airlines (the planes that were used in the attack).

That day was a day that changed the world and the way we travel, forever.

Whilst visiting NYC we were lucky to have a personal tour with a New Yorker called Ray. At first my sons thought how tedious, but by the end, they hung off every word he shared and had a much better understanding and a true empathy for all involved on that day and for many months later. I took photos of the beautiful memorial site, the survivors tree, the new One World Trade Centre – Freedom Tower, but I couldn’t take any photos within the museum – it’s not that I wasn’t allowed, but it felt too personal, intrusive even into such a tragic and sad event.

One area really touched my soul is the survivor tree - a Callery pear tree. It was discovered amongst the wreckage of the 9/11 attacks, its bark charred from fires at the site and many of its limbs reduced to stumps. Yet somehow, the tree, still bearing leaves, showed signs of life.

Recovery workers transported the tree to a nursery where it was cared for. With careful tending, the stumps of burned and gnarled bark gave growth to longer and smoother branches. This tree was replanted at the 9/11 Memorial site in December 2010. This survivors tree bursts into magnificent blossom each spring, embodying a living symbol of resilience

I was also very touched by the simplistic yet beautiful gesture that every year, on the date of the deceased’s birthday, a white rose is placed next to their name indicating they will never be forgotten.

The 9/11 Memorial is a tribute of remembrance honouring the 2,977 killed in the 11th September, 2001 terror attacks at the World Trade Centre, the Pentagon, Pennsylvania and the 6 people that were killed on 26th February 1993 in the World Trade Centre bombing.

9/11 – maybe spend a moment to think of all those innocent people that lost their lives, received phone calls from loved ones they’d never see again, the pilot, crew and passengers on the 4th plane where they fought back against the hijackers, and in doing so gave up their lives as the plane crashed in Pennsylvania, saving many other lives in the process. The emergency services, the search and rescue dogs, many, many lives that are still impacted today. Some souls lost, never found.

Something else I’ve heard a great deal lately is, “Where did the summer go?” Many of us would agree that we need to practice being present, fully in this moment – being mindful. Our tour guide said something very similar – the 9/11 attacks made him appreciate how precious life is, who and what was precious in his life, the changes he’d been meaning to do, but kept putting off and to take each day as it came because who knows what’s around the corner. The past has gone, the future is yet to come and all we can do is be here, make this moment as best as we can. Too often we live in the past or want time to speed up because we can’t wait for… but in doing so, we often miss the here and now only to turn around and say, “Where did August go, it’ll be Christmas before we know it!’

Quote for the moment

If an egg is broken by outside force, life ends. If broken by inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from the inside.”


Crystal/Stone of the month – Turquoise

Turquoise is a beautiful stone that helps heal all issues associated with the throat chakra. Be that a sore throat, respiratory issues, allergies, migraines or any physical ailment that runs through the nose, ears, throat and lungs.

It is a stone that is deeply connected with the breath and is soothing as cool water to touch. It also increases your immune system, works wonders for the emotional and mental health and brings serenity and peace. If you feel burnt out and as if your spirits are low, this is the stone for you.

Angel card

“You will have more insight today. Focus your intuition and see how your angels show the way.

Each day is a new beginning.”

I hope with all my heart that the month of September brings peace, cosy evenings in and contentment to our lives. Be present and as I always say, be kind to all, but mostly yourself and I look forward to seeing you soon, with love and light.

Kate x ^i^ x

Kate Palmer-Marshallsay MAR BA (Hons)

Complementary Therapist

Angelic Complementary Therapies



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