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Welcome to Angelic Complementary Therapies October 2024 Newsletter

October – we are definitely in autumn now! The clocks will change later this month and Fred (my tortoise) will be going into hibernation for the winter. It’s also the month my eldest son has his birthday. I’m really looking forward to spending most of that weekend with him on our own. I’ve said he has free reign on the film we watch in the evening (although, no blood, violence or horror), and I’ll cook him whatever he wants to eat.


As I write this, I watch our favourite squirrel scampering through all the leaves that have now fallen, finding a nut and then burying it in the garden. Although he’s a very big squirrel, he’s really agile and loves jumping from tree to tree. In the summer, he used to climb our fruit trees, merrily pick an apple, or plum and sit on a branch chomping away. He’s very cute.


How was your September? I had a very lovely September, although the last of the warm days do seem in the dim and distant past. I was fortunate to have a two-week holiday. I didn’t go away, but I made the most of doing many lovely things local to me, including more of my 50 things… I have finally fulfilled one of my wishes: make a Christmas bauble from blown glass! It was great fun, and like all these things, it was a lot harder than it looks. I’m super pleased with the result and look forward to December when it can hang on the Christmas tree!  I was also so lucky to go to The Savoy and The Dorchester! Two places I’ve wanted to visit for a very long time.

Oh my goodness, for those cat lovers out there, you must visit a cat café. I went to one in Romsey and another in London – how I didn’t “borrow” one of the little black kittens, I’ll never know – so cute. It’s lovely to be able to support these beautiful animals, spend time with them and enjoy a cuppa and cake at the same time. The energy is so peaceful and profoundly healing too. Loved it.


I also really appreciated the amazing city of London. There is so much to do and see, and it’s pretty much on our doorstep. I lived and worked in London for a few years, but I don’t think I really appreciated the history and culture. London on a lovely weather day is amazing.


And now it’s October! Another busy month ahead. My younger son is still visiting open days at many universities every weekend for the next five weeks! (that’ll be ten universities we have visited in total). He also has a big maths test to sit, one he must pass if he wants to study at particular universities (and I think A ‘levels are hard enough). Fingers crossed, Ozzie will do brilliantly and have all his options available for him to choose from, so he can make an informed decision about where he decides to study.

Facial Reflexology


What is Facial Reflexology?


Facial reflexology is based on the same principle of the more traditional and well-known practice of foot or hand reflexology. By stimulating the facial nerves through a series of routines, and directly increasing blood flow and muscle tone in the face, this encourages the release of toxins from the body via the lymphatic system.


The only areas worked are the face, areas of the neck and skull, therefore no items of clothing need to be removed (but please avoid a high neck top).


Please note, this is not a 'facial' that you'd expect to get from a beauty therapist, this is reflexology on the face.


There are many benefits to facial reflexology. Not only is facial reflexology deeply relaxing and eases the tension so often found in the head, but it is also: -


·       Very effective at treating stress which is blamed for 80% of today’s illnesses

·       Release of endorphins which counteract stress and help us feel good

·       Mood is elevated, anxiety and depression lifts

·       Energy that has been blocked by tension is released

·       Improved concentration due to blood flow to the brain

·       Improved sleep

·       Increased energy levels

·       Improved skin and hair

·       Improved circulation


Please let me know if you are interested too know more about this lovely, relaxing treatment or if you would like to try it.

Quote for the moment

Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.


Unknown (I love this quote, so simple yet so profound).



Many people ask me, “What is mindfulness?”


Mindfulness refers to being completely in touch with and aware of the present moment, as well as taking a non-judgemental approach to our inner experience. Essentially, it’s about being present and noticing what is around you. Too often, we race through life not taking time to stop and really appreciate what’s going on around us.


Then people say, “I’m not able to do that, my mind is always so busy thinking…” Firstly, your brain is designed to think. It’s impossible to stop your brain from thinking – it would be like trying to stop breathing or your heart to stop beating – impossible. So that is the first BIG thing to accept. When someone is being mindful, it doesn’t mean that thought (that monkey brain of ours) stops, because it doesn’t. This is where many people think they’ve failed and give up. You only fail if you stop trying.


The trick is to avoid getting on the train of thought. Before you know it, 5 minutes have gone by, and you’ve not only (in your mind) worked out you need to put on a load of washing, what you’re having for dinner, you need to reply to the 8 million emails in your inbox let alone the messages on your phone! This is very normal and doesn’t mean you have failed to be mindful. When a thought comes into your mind, acknowledge it - does it need immediate attention, or can it wait? Most of our thoughts don’t need immediate attention. If it can wait, accept it and let it go until the time is right.


Being mindful is so beneficial to our mental health.


How to be more mindful:


1.    Begin each day with a beginner’s mind. You can choose the day you want by clearing your mind, letting go of any negativity and baggage, and beginning the new day with a fresh outlook.

2.    Choose to be present. Look all around you; feel your feet on the ground, the air on your skin, and where you are. Make a conscious effort to be fully present in the moment. (The monkey brain will quieten, too.)

3.    Take time to do some deep breathing. Breathe in for four, hold for four and release for eight – this has a very calming effect.

4.    Be present when you are with other people. Be fully present and give them your undivided attention.


Scientific research shows how the mindful approach to life reduces stress, anxiety and depression. Be present. Be now.



Fire Ice Quartz


This is a truly beautiful crystal in energy as well as appearance.


This crystal is great for communication with spirit and angels. Fire Ice Quartz encompasses the universal life force manifested in light. It is the pure white light of creation manifested in crystal perfection. A looking glass of the soul.

Angel Card

Healing Energy


The Angel Guide Oracle Deck, Kyle Gray

Angels are enveloping you in healing energy at this time. They are swirling around you, filling your mind, body and soul with soothing and peaceful light. They are guiding you to receive healing energy and allow your body to return to it’s natural state of goodness. Healing is actually an energy that goes beyond your body-it’s the return to a natural and good state. Healing angels are placing their hands upon you, and any situations that may be concerning you at this time. Know that the miracles you are seeking are unfolding before your eyes. The energy this card brings will mend any breakages, wounds, or emotionally raw situations that are troubling your heart.

I wonder what this October has in store for each of us. Whatever it brings, may it be fun and peaceful. Maybe think of ways you can have quality time with the people in your life or quality time with yourself. Be present and, as I always say, be kind to all, but mostly yourself. I look forward to seeing you soon, with love and light.

Kate x ^i^ x


Kate Palmer-Marshallsay MAR BA (Hons)

Complementary Therapist


Angelic Complementary Therapies


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