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Welcome to Angelic Complementary Therapies March 2024 Newsletter

Hurrah, Spring is in the air and March is here! I love all the seasons we experience, but I love spring a little more. Rebirth, warmth, light - the cycle and beauty of life at its best. I love it (don’t forget the clocks spring forward on Sunday the 10th).


I must be honest; I’m kind of pleased February is behind me. That said, it was the best February I have had in years. I was lucky enough to see The Mousetrap in London. I’ve wanted to see this theatre production for years, but never got around to it – and now I have. Another of my 50 things completed. I have a few more to experience this month and I can’t wait.


You may have noticed that I’ve been busy upcycling furniture in my treatment room. I love creating, crafting, and anything arty to be honest. Living in a house of men (that sounds dodgy), it’s very tricky to express my feminine side; I have to take into account their tastes. However, my treatment room is my place, and I absolutely loved turning the bland white furniture into something more interesting.

I would like to take this opportunity to recommend a journal that I’m currently working through. A fellow reflexologist (and her husband) recommended it, and I love it. It’s called The Way of the Tortoise - A Journal to Happiness. I love a good journal and I write a diary every night along with my gratitude diary. This journal is brilliant for anyone who would like to make tiny steps forward into developing powerful, healthy, long-lasting habits = change. It’s super easy to follow and brings a structure of daily journaling, along with questions, affirmations and gratitude.


For those who want to make small positive changes that lead to powerful, lasting habits, I cannot recommend this journal highly enough; it’s brilliant.

Booking online!


Finally, after much deliberation and research, I have taken action and begun using an online booking system. This means it’s really simple for you to see what availability I have, and you can simply book your own appointments! If you still prefer to contact me, that is fine. Here is the online booking link if you fancy a quick look


Please note that the treatment cost has not changed; they remain the same, but there is now a £2 additional charge for card payment or if you pay directly via the booking form online. If you pay with cash or via a direct bank transfer, this charge is not in place.

Facial Reflexology


Have you ever tried Facial Reflexology? It is possibly the most relaxing therapy I offer.


Facial reflexology is based on the same principle of the more traditional and well-known practice of foot or hand reflexology. By stimulating the facial nerves through a series of routines, and directly increasing blood flow and muscle tone in the face, this encourages the release of toxins from the body via the lymphatic system.


The only areas worked are the face, areas of the neck and skull, therefore no items of clothing need to be removed (but please avoid a high neck top).


Please note, this is not a 'facial' that you'd expect to get from a beauty therapist, this is reflexology on the face.


There are many benefits to facial reflexology. Not only is facial reflexology deeply relaxing and eases the tension so often found in the head, but it is also: -


·       Very effective at treating stress which is blamed for 80% of today’s illnesses

·       Release of endorphins which counteract stress and help us feel good

·       Mood is elevated, anxiety and depression lifts

·       Energy that has been blocked by tension is released

·       Improved concentration due to blood flow to the brain

·       Improved sleep

·       Increased energy levels

·       Improved skin and hair

·       Improved circulation


If you’d like to know more or try this therapy, please let me know (it’s fabulous, by the way).

Quote for the moment


Take from this quote what you will. You can read it either way – work on something positive or negative every day and you’ll end up with something massive. Manageable, little steps every day, slowly wins the race… goes a long way. Have in mind the end goal, but focus on the next step. If you trip up, that's no problem. Just remember to pick yourself up again (maybe think about The Way of the Tortoise Journal).


“If you work a little bit on something every day, you’ll end up with something massive.”


Kenneth Goldsmith



Secret Kindness


Try to do one act of kindness for somebody else – but try and do it anonymously.


1.    This could be anything – doing someone else's washing up, paying for another coffee, doing something without being asked to do it.

2.    Resist the temptation to tell others about your act of kindness and feel the inner satisfaction of doing a good deed utterly selflessly.

Crystal/Stone of the month – Smokey Quartz


Are you holding onto feelings, beliefs or experiences that no longer serve you? Are you carrying emotional baggage with you? If so, smokey quartz can help you. This crystal is known to help build better energies within your life enabaling you to leave behind what no longer serves you a positive purpose. Great for relieving depression, grief and anxiety.

Oracle Card



Kindness is about giving without needing to receive. It’s about having consideration alongside the willingness to be present and help. Being kind is one of the highest vibrations, for when we give without needing to receive in return, we tune in to the abundant flow of the Universe and will be helped in some other way.

Kindness is good for the heart both physically and spiritually. On a physical level, being kind can lower blood pressure, strengthen arteries, and bring mental clarity. On a spiritual level, when you step into this space of selflessness, you allow yourself to be sustained by a higher power that will always lead you toward your highest and greatest good.

Being kind to yourself is about removing any conditions for contentment. It’s about respecting and loving yourself no matter what situation you are facing. It’s about taking the pressure off your own shoulders and just allowing yourself to be how you need to be. Today the Universe is encouraging you to choose kindness in all areas of your life. Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself.

I’ve just been looking at my diary for the month of March, and it’s so busy with lots of lovely things to do, people to see and experiences to share. I am going to take each moment at a time and have deep belly laughs where possible (also great for the core).


I wonder what this March has in store for each of us. Whatever it brings, may it be fun and peaceful. Maybe think of ways you can have quality time with the people in your life or quality time with yourself. Be present and, as I always say, be kind to all, but mostly yourself. I look forward to seeing you soon, with love and light.

Kate x ^i^ x


Kate Palmer-Marshallsay MAR BA (Hons)

Complementary Therapist


Angelic Complementary Therapies



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A member of The Association of Reflexologists and The UK Reiki Federation

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