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Welcome to Angelic Complementary Therapies July 2022 Newsletter

Welcome to my July newsletter and I hope you all had a lovely month of June. June brought us some beautiful warm and sunny days and I’m hoping July will continue.

Last month my second book was published (I feel very proud of this achievement) and I’ll soon be working on the next. For those of you that don’t know, I’ve written a series of 5 books in total, but to date have only two published. I absolutely loved writing the story – never any intention of becoming a ‘writer’ and I’m certainly out of my comfort zone – but I have loved every moment of the story so far, and I’ve certainly grown as a person by stepping out of my comfort zone and taking a leap of faith.

Jeffie, my cat, often keeps me company whilst I write.

My other big news this month is that I have trained and qualified in Reflexology for Menopause - which means you will get optimum care. I appreciate everyone’s experience is very different and I’m interested to hear, without judgment, the symptoms you are experiencing and in doing this but I will plan your reflexology specifically for you. We will also discuss the Five Pillars for a Healthy Menopause, which are the foundations for healthy ageing - Diet, Exercise, Relaxation, Sleep and Purpose.

On average, the transition through to menopause is roughly 4 years, but it can range from between 1-12 years – the average age a woman reaches menopause in the UK is 51. It is estimated that 80% of women in the UK experience some symptoms, the most common being night sweats and hot flushes – the great news is that research has shown that reflexology can help these symptoms. Of course, there are times when we seek medical help, but there is an increasing number of women that would like to try natural solutions, including reflexology.

If you, or if you know someone, that would like more information please contact me for further details. Alternatively there is more information via my website

Quote for the moment

Whatever you decide to do,

Make sure it makes you happy.”

(image - my son, Ozzie).

Crystal of the month – Labradorite

Labradorite is a stone of magic and protection. It is renowned for relieving anxiety and stress, balances hormones, relieves menstrual tension and regulates the metabolism. This gemstone protects and strengthens the aura.

Angel card

Time To Go

“The sun sets and rises each day, and it’s the same with avenues in your life. See the beauty within each sunset in your life, and know that the sun will also rise again tomorrow. Endings are merely the start of a new beginning, and we are with you through every phase and cycle.”

I hope with all my heart that the month of July brings peace, warmth and contentment to our lives. Be present and as I always say, be kind to all, but mostly yourself and I look forward to seeing you soon, with love and light.

Kate x ^i^ x

Kate Palmer-Marshallsay MAR BA (Hons)

Complementary Therapist

Angelic Complementary Therapies



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A member of The Association of Reflexologists and The UK Reiki Federation

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