Welcome to Angelic Complementary Therapies January 2025 Newsletter

Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and peaceful 2025. I wonder what the year has in store for us? I do hope you had a lovely Christmas time and were able to spend some quality time with loved ones.
As mentioned last year, I’m not one for New Years Resolutions, I’m more of an advocate of making positive changes anytime of the year, no matter what the date, time or day of the week. And… not to beat yourself up if you slip (fail – a word I don’t like). You only “fail” if you stop trying.
This sums up exactly how I feel:

All About Angels: An Introduction to Understanding Angels Workshop

Join me, Kate, from (Angelic Complementary Therapies), and Helen Gee, from My Pilates Tribe (https://mypilatestribe.co.uk/), for this enlightening workshop, which includes a Trigger Point Pilates session as well as an introduction to Angels.
This 3 hour workshop starts with a 60-minute Trigger Point Pilates Class; this is a gentle movement class combining Pilates-based moves and myofascial techniques to work on your body’s fascia and nervous system. Using massage balls and a roller, you will feel calmer and more connected to your body by the end of the hour.
After a short break, we will explore the unique roles of Angels, Guardian Angels and Archangels and gain an understanding of how they can guide you in everyday life.
Through a beautiful, guided meditation, you will have the opportunity to meet your own Guardian Angel, creating a deeper connection to their loving guidance. You will also create a personal Guardian Angel manifestation keepsake to take home. We will also discuss practical ways to protect your energy, ensuring you stay balanced. There will also be plenty of time for your questions.
The workshop will run 9:30am-12:30pm and is £45 if you book before 15th January, this is an early bird discount. After 15th January, tickets are £50. Spaces are limited to 12 people for an intimate and special workshop.
You can book your place via Helen’s online booking system and scroll down to February dates.
The link to my web page on TPP is https://mypilatestribe.co.uk/trigger-point-pilates/
Oracle card
Power and Intention
(What an interesting card to pull at the beginning of the year!).
When you align your intentions with the highest good and act with love and consideration, your power is intensified. When you draw this card, your angels are drawing close to remind you of this. You have the capacity to be a leader and guide at this time you are being encouraged to be aligned with love and the highest good so that you can act from the heart. Often when power arises within, we can find our ego gets louder, and this is because it wants us to be limited and to question or even stifle our growth. Don’t let it hold you back now. Call in your angels and invite them to help you listen closely to the voice of your soul so that you can move forward powerfully and effectively, in a loving way.

I wonder what this January and 2025 has in store for each of us? Whatever it brings, may it be fun ye peaceful, and I wish for you a very bright and joyous New Year. Maybe think of ways you can have quality time with the people in your life. Be present and as I always say, be kind to all, but mostly yourself and I look forward to seeing you soon, with love and light.

Kate x ^i^ x
Kate Palmer-Marshallsay MAR BA (Hons)
Complementary Therapist
Angelic Complementary Therapies
Email – Kate@angelicct.com
Web – www.angelicct.com