Welcome to Angelic Complementary Therapies January 2024 Newsletter

Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and peaceful 2024. I wonder what the year has in store for us? I do hope you had a lovely Christmas time and were able to spend some quality time with loved ones.
As mentioned last year, I’m not one for New Years Resolutions, I’m more of an advocate of making positive changes anytime of the year, no matter what the date, time or day of the week. And… not to beat yourself up if you slip (fail – a word I don’t like). You only “fail” if you stop trying.
I made a promise to myself last year which was to complete 50 things that I’ve always wanted to do, but simply never get around to – the immortal words “one day…”. I’m pleased to say I have not let myself down and I’ve achieved many things that I’ve been meaning to do “one day”, but never set a date to do it. I realise that reaching 50 things in a year was a tall order, so my 50 things continue into this year. I’ve really enjoyed some really simple things to the more adventurous. I can’t wait to create more amazing memories this year, and some spent with very special people in my life.
In December, I visited London to see the Christmas lights. It was wonderful to see them up close and appreciate their magnificence. This is an example of something I’ve wanted to do for a number of years but never got around to doing. I’m so grateful I made time to visit London, and whilst there, I was fully present. I also made some homemade mince pies (from my mum and sister’s recipe).
Another venture I’ve really enjoyed are my art classes. Here’s the latest picture I drew, Jeff Jefferson.

I believe that time is one of the most precious gifts you can give another. Sometimes, it’s only after a loved one has passed on, that we realise the value of time. Wishing we’d spent more time, given more time, created memories with them, wishing to turn back time. But all we have is now. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, all we have is now (a title of a brilliant Duran Duran song). Mum was a funeral director and she witnessed many people grieving with the “If only” question upon their lips. Live each day with purpose. I feel so blessed to have life, and treasure each day. Life is a gift and not one that should be taken for granted. I feel so lucky to have a profession/vocation that I genuinely love and see the difference it brings to so many.
This reminds me of a film I watch every year, The Muppet Christmas Carol. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens was a story my Dad read every year and you could say shaped the way I look at life. When I had a young family of my own, I discovered The Muppets version and since then we watch it every year. As I watched this year, the song that Tiny Tim sang really touched my heart. Here are the lyrics, I hope they resonate with you too.

Bless Us All
Song by Tiny Tim's Family
Life is full of sweet surprises, every day’s a giftThe sun comes up and I can feel it lift my spirit
Fills me up with laughter, fills me up with songI look into the eyes of love and know that I belong
Bless us all, who gather hereThe loving family I hold dearNo place on earth, compares with homeAnd every path will bring me back from where I roam
Bless us all, that as we liveWe always comfort and forgiveWe have so much, that we can shareWith those in need we see around us everywhere
Let us always love each otherLead us to the lightLet us hear the voice of reason, singing in the night
Let us run from anger and catch us when we fallTeach us in our dreams and please, yes pleaseBless us one and all
Bless us all with playful yearsWith noisy games and joyful tearsWe reach for you and we stand tall
And in our prayers and dreamsWe ask you bless us all
We reach for you and we stand tallAnd in our prayers and dreams we ask youBless us all

Quote for the moment
“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”

A week of squishing – giving a heightened awareness to your body
This is the first thing to try each day this week.
1. Whilst lying down, close your eyes and breathe slowly – but make sure you don’t go back to sleep!
2. Squeeze each muscle of your body tight.
3. Think of every muscle in your body, moving your awareness from one to the next – start with your toes, feet, move up to the legs, your pelvis and so on until each muscle of your body is tightened.
4. Hold everything for a few seconds, and then relax.
5. Now spend a little time going through a body checklist, notice the sensation as each muscle relaxes.
6. Repeat the process two more times before getting out of bed.

Crystal of the month - Flourite
This is a beautiful fluorite angel crystal. Fluorite is wonderful for mental enhancement and clarity. It may be very useful to those that are making new year’s resolutions as it is said to improve decision making and for clearing energy fields (very good again if you’ve been around lots of people and may have picked up on their energy).

Oracle card
Take a step back
Your angels are guiding you to take a step back and reflect before proceeding further. There is an excitable and action-orientated energy around you at this time, but you are being encouraged to review the situation before making any moves

I wonder what this January and 2024 has in store for each of us? Whatever it brings, may it be fun and peaceful, and I wish for you a very bright and joyous New Year. Maybe think of ways you can have quality time with the people in your life. Be present and as I always say, be kind to all, but mostly yourself and I look forward to seeing you soon, with love and light.
Kate x ^i^ x
Kate Palmer-Marshallsay MAR BA (Hons)
Complementary Therapist
Angelic Complementary Therapies
Email – Kate@angelicct.com
Web – www.angelicct.com