Welcome to Angelic Complementary Therapies January 2022 Newsletter

I do hope you are well after enjoying the festive season. I myself had a very quiet Christmas/birthday and an even quieter New Year’s Eve – although there were lots of fireworks locally which Jeff (the cat) really didn’t like!
So not only is it the beginning of a new month but it’s also the beginning of a New Year – 2022. A time where many make New Year’s resolutions, filled with motivation and determination… in my personal experience, this only creates pressure which can then lead to a higher chance of ‘failing’ after approx two weeks! And failure does nothing for our self-worth, stress levels which then stagnates in the body and causes physical and mental issues. Instead, I try to lead as happy and healthy a life as possible. There may be moments when I eat enough chocolate to sink a small battle ship, and I accept this with grace – I’m human, I’m far from perfect - but with grace I’ll eat much better the following days/weeks… Balance. We all need balance.
Something I have done for a couple of years now is a ‘Goal Map.’ I’m a person that likes to have a goal to aim for, I’m not very good at just floating I have a main goal, 4 sub-goals, who and how I’m going to achieve it and finally why.
Here’s an example of one of my ‘Goals’ – everything is written in the present and with my ownership – positive intention.
Main Goal – I enrich my mind with meditation and body with a regular fitness routine
Sub-goal 1 – I maintain great bedtime routine and sleep really well
Sub-goal 2 – I hydrate my body well everyday
Sub-goal 3 – I eat a healthy, balanced and nutritional diet
Sub-goal 4 – I journal & recognise what I am grateful for
How and why – I plan healthy foods each day – I am organised
How and why – My self-talk is empowering & positive – I am focused
Ultimately why? – I am worthy
How about you? What goal would you like to achieve as you look to your future and why? What small achievable steps can you take to support your journey?

Quote for the moment
“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”

A 5-10 minute exercise. All you need is a little privacy and a comfortable place to sit.
1) Relax into your seat. Focus on your breathing, on the gentle rising and falling of your belly.
2) Let go of all concerns and sense of duty. Leave the working day behind you. Just get more and more comfortable and focus on how that feels.
3) Imagine yourself melting into everything around you. With practice you might begin to feel at one with your surroundings.

If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is “thank you” that would suffice.

Angel card
See Only Love
“Look past the seeming errors, mistakes, and misunderstandings, and see only the love within each person (including yourself). Your resolute focus upon the love that underlies every situation brings about healing in undreamed-of ways.”
I wonder what January, and furthermore, what 2022 has in store for each of us?
My wish is for everyone, including myself, nearest and dearest to be healthy, happy and content within themselves. Be kind to all, but mostly yourself and I look forward to seeing you soon, with love and light.
Kate x ^i^ x
Kate Palmer-Marshallsay MAR BA (Hons)
Complementary Therapist, Angelic Reiki Master,
Reiki Master and Angelic Practitioner
Angelic Complementary Therapies
Email – Kate@angelicct.com
Web – www.angelicct.com