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Welcome to Angelic Complementary Therapies February 2022 Newsletter

Personally, I cannot believe it’s already the 1st February 2022! Although, I’m happy to be moving towards Spring, warmer days and more daylight. As I write this the birds are singing away.

January was a fairly eventful and turbulent month for me. Lots of family things happening. And at times it has been very hard to put a smile upon my face, but I have. My husband, children, friends and siblings have been amazingly supportive and I thank them for being in my life. To finish my “eventful” month a bird got stuck in our chimney on Saturday! Once the fire was removed I was able to help the poor frightened starling out (and thankfully Jeff – the cat – was not around).

What I’ve discovered these past few weeks is that it’s impossible to fight change. I’m open to change, but some find it frightening. Change doesn’t have to be scary, change can be a very good thing. I came across this article a few days back and it really resonated with me. I hope you find some interest in it too.

I had a conversation with an older friend. I asked him what's changing? He sent me following lines.

*Yes, I am changing* — After loving my parents, my siblings, my spouse, my children, my friends, now I have started loving myself.

*Yes, I am changing* — I just realised that I am not “Atlas”. The world does not rest on my shoulders.

*Yes, I am changing* — I now stopped bargaining with vegetables and fruits vendors. After all, a few rupees more is not going to burn a hole in my pocket but it might help the poor fellow save for his daughter’s school fees.

*Yes, I am changing* — I pay the taxi driver without waiting for the change. The extra money might bring a smile on his face. After all he is toiling much harder for a living than me.

*Yes, I am changing* — I stopped telling the elderly that they've already narrated that story many times. After all, the story makes them walk down the memory lane and relieve the past.

*Yes, I am changing* — I've learnt not to correct people even when I know they are wrong. After all, the onus of making everyone perfect is not on me. Peace is more precious than perfection.

*Yes, I am changing* — I give compliments freely and generously. After all it's a mood enhancer not only for the recipient, but also for me.

*Yes, I am changing* — I've learnt not to bother about a crease or a spot on my shirt. After all, personality speaks louder than appearances.

*Yes, I am changing* — I walk away from people who don't value me. After all, they might not know my worth, but I do.

*Yes, I am changing* — I remain cool when someone plays dirty politics to outrun me in the rat race. After all, I am not a rat and neither am I in any race.

*Yes, I am changing* — I am learning not to be embarrassed by my emotions. After all, it's my emotions that make me human.

*Yes, I am changing* — I have learnt that it’s better to drop the ego than to break a relationship. After all, my ego will keep me aloof whereas with relationships I will never be alone.

*Yes, I am changing* — I've learnt to live each day as if it's the last. After all, it might be the last.

*Yes, I am changing* — I am doing what makes me happy. After all, I am responsible for my happiness, and I owe it to me.

Quote for the moment

“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.”



Change can upset the calm in people’s life. Here is a visualisation that you can try to help you accept the change and stress that life is bringing you.

This exercise can be done sitting or standing. Notice your feet connecting with the ground and allow this sensation be the root of your visualisation. Once you are feeling grounded, visualise a beautiful strong and mature tree. See the trunk of the tree as being steadfast and remind you of stillness. Allow the bending branches remind you of the flexibility of growth. Imagine the leaves, changing and falling with each passing season. Let this tree remind you that change can be as beautiful as it is inevitable.


Embrace the present moment with love.

Angel card

Release & Surrender

“We shower you with blessings of our radiant love. Open your arms, and release the challenges that you’ve held tightly gripped within your hands. Open your hands, arms and heart to our love and assistance.”

I wonder what February has in store for each of us? I do hope it’s calm and peaceful as we move ever closer to Spring. Be kind to all, but mostly yourself and I look forward to seeing you soon, with love and light.

Kate x ^i^ x

Kate Palmer-Marshallsay MAR BA (Hons)

Complementary Therapist

Angelic Complementary Therapies



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