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Welcome to Angelic Complementary Therapies April 2023 Newsletter

I do hope you are well as the evenings become lighter.

Wow, what a month March has been for me. I’m not quite sure where to begin! I’m really enjoying finally getting around to doing those things I’ve always wanted to do, but for some reason, never quite get around to doing. Not this year, especially as terminal cancer strikes my family again! This year I am determined to be fully present and experience life as Mum would have. I can hear her saying, “Make the most of life, because one day it may be too late.” I do wish I could tell her about my ventures in person, but I know she’s never far away she’d be so proud of what I’m doing.

I began the month by spending the day in London. I loved strolling along the Southbank, soaking up the art at The Tate Modern and having a fairly expensive, but worth it, glass of Champagne up The Shard. I made the most of my time there, people watching, enjoying the stunning views London offers and being fully present.

Our gorgeous Jeff Jefferson (the cat) turned 9 years old last month. He’s a constant joy even though he brought me a Mother’s Day present – Jerry the mouse! In true Jeff style, he brought him in, found me and dropped it at my feet. Jeff is not really a hunter and certainly not a killer. He watched with a degree of amusement as I ran around the kitchen, desperately trying to catch the poor little mouse who thankfully appeared unharmed when I eventually released him.

My next venture was to spend time in possibly my favourite place in the world – Lulworth, Dorset. I spent many, many hours and days in the area enjoying the peace and beauty of the place when I was growing up (my Dad lived not far from Lulworth). It has now become a tourist place and personally, too busy for me in the height of the tourist season, but in March, it was perfect. Quiet, peaceful and a time you can see Lulworth Cove in it’s pure honest beauty. I spent the weekend with my dearest female friend and I truly felt like I’d been on holiday. Jack’s is pretty much my sister. We were inseparable when we were younger and when we’re back together it’s as if time has never passed. We spent the day creating glass infusion art – absolutely loved it, being creative yet fully present at the same time.

Last weekend I went to Amsterdam with Sharon, another very good friend of mine. I’ve been to Amsterdam before – funnily enough with Jack’s, my mum and step-dad. One of my favourite experience this time was visiting a cat museum! Anyone that knows me will understand my love of cats. Not only were there real live cats living there, but there was every type of cat memorabilia you could ever possibly imagine. I also came across a fabulous crystal shop and thoroughly enjoyed talking with the owner – it was lovely to meet someone in Amsterdam that was on the same wave length as me. I did treat myself to two amazing fossilised wood (see below). They are truly beautiful and a beautiful addition to my ever growing collection.

We also celebrated my youngest 16th birthday! I remember the day he was born as if it was last week. He’s a ray of sunshine and light in this sometimes questioning world we live in. He’s immensely cheeky yet content and happy. I so proud to be his Mum.

And finally, we laid Derrick’s ashes to rest with Mum on Friday. Of course I miss them both dearly, not a day passes when I don’t think of them, but I do feel a sense of peace knowing they are together again. Also, I know they are never far away and Mum has been of huge strength to me recently.

Mindful Walking

Take fifteen minutes (or as long as your day allows) to walk somewhere alone. Try to remain silent throughout the whole walk, and follow these phases:

This exercise is designed to make you aware of your thoughts and lessen anxiety.

1. Firstly, focus on the physical sensations of walking. Notice the lifting and falling of your foot, the movement in your legs and body. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the physical activity.

2. During your walk, gradually allow your awareness to expand to your surroundings. Observe the sites, smells and sounds of each thing that captures your attention. Consider the feelings and emotions that these things provoke.

3. As your walk begins to end, return your attention to the physical sensations in your legs and body as they move. At the end, slow down gently to a halt. Experience standing still for a moment. Then return to your daily activity.

This exercise is a great way to appreciate your body and your surroundings. Walking without a destination takes you out of routine and is an excellent stress reliever.

Just a thought…

You work 8 hours to live 4.

You work 6 days to enjoy 1.

You work 8 hours to eat in 15 minutes.

You work 8 hours to sleep 5.

You work all year just to take a week or two vacation.

You work all your life to retire in old age,

And contemplate only your last breaths.

Eventually you realise that life is nothing but a parody of yourself practicing for your own oblivion.

We have become so accustomed to material and social slavery that we no longer see the chains.

Life is a short journey, live it! Collect memories, not material things!

Crystal/Stone of the month – Petrified (Fossilised) Wood

Petrified Wood is technically a fossil and a crystal comes from the trunks and branches of ancient wood. The two spheres I purchased in Amsterdam are 55 million years old! This is a stone of transformation and helps you feel safe and secure, calming down survival based fears. It is also known for bringing patience. Petrified Wood strengthens the skeletal system, hair and skin – as well as strengthening one’s backbone physically and in terms of self-will

Quote for the month

“Every moment is a fresh beginning”

T.S Eliot

Oracle Card

I wonder what April has in store for each of us?

I genuinely hope for everyone’s nearest and dearest to be healthy, happy and content -and lots of smiles too. Be kind to all, but mostly yourself, and I look forward to seeing you soon, with Love and Light.

Kate x ^i^ x

Kate Palmer-Marshallsay MAR BA (Hons) Complementary Therapist - Professional Reflexologist, Angelic Reiki Master, Reiki Master and Angelic Practitioner

Angelic Complementary Therapies

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