September Newsletter
Welcome to Angelic Complementary Therapies September Newsletter

Can you believe it’s the 1st September today? I do hope the month of August treated you well and you were able to have some time out for a holiday, or have a break planned in the near future. If something Covid and lockdown has taught me it is to make the most of what we have and with those we love, because all too quickly things can change.
My month of August has been very occupied with my family and most definitely some obstacles to overcome. However, I do count my blessings as my family are incredible, especially when a member of our family really needs all our support and love – we unite. It’s important to hold our “tribe” close to our hearts, be it family, friends or loved ones and tell them how grateful you are to have them in your life. They may not realise it until you say.
I have also been fortunate to spend time back in my home county of Dorset, where my heart resides. I spent quality time with my family and showed my son’s many of my childhood special places. We cycled, walked and rowed miles :D (we wanted to spend time outdoors due to the current climate). There were times they said, “How much further?” But I know in my heart they will look back on these times and remember them with happiness, I’m sure of it.
Yesterday, I spent the day in Avebury with other Angelic Reiki practitioners. It was such a beautiful and special day where we gave and received Angelic Reiki and the energy was amazing. If you’ve never been to Avebury, I really recommend it – the energy there is so much softer than Stone Henge
This month I also qualified as a Crystal Reflexologist! I cannot wait to share this treatment with you – more information to follow later this month.
Joys and Friends
Count the joys instead of the woes
Count your friends instead of your foes
Do this every morning for a week and see if gratitude begins your day in a good place.

Quote for the moment
“The aspects of things that are most important to us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity”
Ludwig Wittgenstein
How do you spend your free time? Do you have a favourite hobby or pastime? Do you love to binge watch series after series? Do you go to the gym or prefer to curl up with a good book? How do these things improve your quality of life? Spend some time and listen to what brings you joy?

Angel card
Dare to be different; to make mistakes. Create, for it is in creation that you exist. In this world of dreams, that stem from the eternal heart, you are one with all creation.
All is possible. Go forth and be true to yourself for it is only through being true to you that you can be true to others.
Have a wonderful September and I hope whatever this month brings, may it be fun, peaceful and kind and I look forward to seeing you soon, with love and light.
Kate x ^i^ x
Kate Palmer-Marshallsay MAR BA (Hons)
Complementary Therapist
Angelic Complementary Therapies
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